Wolbachia Pipientis
Despite sounding like the name of a Cold War dictator, Wolbachia Pipientis is actually a fairly useful little bacteria. Normally, I would classify all bacteria as worthy of extinction but I am willing to make a slight exception in this case for one very simple reason: they can't touch us! That's right, this bacteria feeds only on insects and for that we should all sigh in relief. Now, what it does to insects is rather strange and perhaps not all that wholesome. It kills males which I am against except in the case of insects but it also encourages gender bending as males become females which I disapprove of any culture! (except for human ones because we've earned that right) Now I'm sure some "scientists" will tell you that these bacteria are important for the sake of evolutionary blah blah blah but they are wrong. Also, they are ugly.
So Wolbachia gets points for infecting insects but loses them for its strange fetishes. Also, it's too small for hat production.
I judge it: Worthy of Existence. (However, if it somehow crosses over to messing with human junk, we're going to have words)
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