Callithrix pymaea
The Encyclopedia of Life has betrayed my trust and refused to fill its banks with any useful information except for that regarding fish and even then they are fairly wretched articles so I have taken it upon myself to resort to the common man's Wikipedia in order to continue my quest to judge the panoply of life. While the information may not be pertinent, relevant or even accurate, it is at least existent and that's good enough for me. So where was I?
Ah yes, the Pygmy Marmoset: the Chicken Nugget of the Primates. Small, compact and easily digestible, these little fellows gambol about in the savage jungles of the more southern America, waiting for bold adventurers to capture them and prepare them for the consumption of the general populace. While not having a great deal of meat on their tiny bones or much fur on their playful bodies, these little fellows remind us of just how glorious we are. All of primatedom can come together and devour these, the smallest of monkeys and no-one could blame us.
I judge them: Worthy of Existence. Because someone has to live at the bottom and it might as well be these little mittens-to-be.
Now with audio!